The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), formally known as RCIA, is a spiritual journey that seeks to prepare you to make a personal and conscious choice to become full members of the Catholic Church. It is a chance for you to learn the basics of Catholicism, get your questions answered, integrate into our parish community, and seek ways to open your lives to Jesus more fully.
The OCIA journey typically culminates on Easter Vigil when candidates are fully initiated into the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion.
Who is OCIA for?
Any non-Catholic (baptized or not) who is interested in exploring what is true, good, and beautiful about the Catholic Faith. Come and learn with no commitments. If you decide to become Catholic, the program will lead to the reception of Baptism, Confirmation, and Communion at Easter.
Any adult Catholic who needs Communion and/or Confirmation. Join us to experience the grace these sacraments can bring into your life.
Any Catholic who wants to learn more. Given the nature of OCIA classes, you will learn more about the Catholic faith in OCIA than anywhere else in a parish setting.