Anointing of the Sick & Last Rites Call the Church Office (843) 306-3025 to schedule either the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or Last Rites. For urgent matters, press "2" when prompted.
Holy Communion for the Sick/Homebound Contact Donna Donaleski: [email protected] to arrange for someone to bring Holy Communion. We typically can provide it on a weekly basis.
Funeral Planning To schedule a funeral, contact Connie Lassiter: [email protected]. Funerals are typically held at the Frassati Hub but can also be at the Funeral Home Chapels. Given enough time, we can attempt to arrange for funerals to take place at neighboring parishes. We typically work with Goldfinch (843) 492-9042 & McMillan Smalls (843) 449-3396.
Columbarium We are amidst the planning phase of our columbarium which will rest in the Frassati Garden.
GriefShare GriefShare is for those grieving the death of a loved one. It provides a safe, supportive space to share one's grief. Contact Marybeth Singer: [email protected].