If you were raised Catholic but drifted away and are now seeking to return home to the Church, what should you do? There are probably as many answers to that question as there are people. But here are a few ideas:
Attend Alpha: Alpha is the place in which the Big Questions of life are answered.
Join OCIA: OCIA is geared toward those who are becoming Catholic, but it’s a great way for someone who has drifted to reestablish his/her relationship with Christ and his Church.
Read: If attending a class doesn’t fit your schedule, reading a good book is a great way to connect with Jesus. We recommend Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly. And don’t forget to read the Gospels, where you can meet Jesus daily.
Go to Confession: You may be ready to dive back into being Catholic, and if that’s the case, the first step is to go to Confession. Here’s a good video on how to go to Confession.
Go to Mass: Perhaps the absolute best way to return to the Church is to start attending Mass on Sundays. The Mass is the Church’s greatest prayer and the center of parish life, and it’s impossible to live a Catholic life without regular prayer and a parish home. Just don’t receive the Eucharist if you haven’t gone to Confession.
Attend a Class. We have various faith formation classes offered at Frassati Catholic Church. Look in the bulletin to see what’s being offered.
Email Jeff. If you have any questions about the Catholic Faith, email Jeff Vehige: [email protected].