The Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Knights of Columbus Council #17824 empowers Catholic men to live their faith and serve their family, parish, community, and country through charitable, faith-based and social programming. The Council meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church (1400 Carolina Forest Blvd).
Contact Grand Knight, Rick Hardy: [email protected].
The mission of Cor is to strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue through prayer, fraternity, and formation. Through brotherhood and friendship we empower men to be courageous fathers to their families and leaders in the parish and greater Myrtle Beach community. They meet after the 9am Saturday Mass that concludes First Friday Nocturnal Adoration at the Frassati Hub.
A women's group that focuses on prayer, book discussions, informal Bible studies, and fostering community. They meet after the 9am Saturday Mass that concludes First Friday Nocturnal Adoration at the Frassati Hub.
Contact Rosemary Lusco: [email protected]
This ethnic ministry focuses primarily upon prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, often reciting the rosary and other Marian devotions. This monthly gathering is usually the first Sunday of the month. They also have a monthly bilingual Mass with a dinner afterwards to help teach and preserve their language and culture among the younger generation of Vietnamese Americans.
This is an opportunity for senior singles (widowed or never married) to socialize around the table with others that share the faith at Frassati.
Contact Rosemary Lusco: [email protected]