Why do we tithe?
All that we have, and all that we are, comes from God. Giving is a way of thanking God for his kindness by returning to him a portion of the time, talent, and treasure he has given us. The children of God have a rich history of tithing and are paid back in kind as “God loves the cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7). Tithing—giving ten percent of our substance—is inspiring and attractive. Moreover, it simplifies our life of faith! Rather than additional weekly collections that complicate personal finances and extend liturgies, the Tithing Committee recommends that we tithe on our gross weekend offertory as a parish. The parish started this practice when we officially became a parish.
Why do we have a Tithing Committee?
As a parish, we participate in about 20 Diocesan-sponsored “second collections” for various Catholic causes and ministries (locally and internationally). The Tithing Committee decides (for the remaining weeks of each year) what organizations we want to support financially. Beyond our own parish outreach initiatives, there are many other worthy Catholic and non-Catholic ministries or causes to help financially to fulfill the Gospel mandate of charity. The Tithing Committee consists of five members who assist the pastor in reviewing requests and suggestions from parishioners and determining the annual schedule of tithes.
What criteria does the Tithing Committee use in choosing recipients?
As part of the vetting process, the committee has developed 4 criteria to weigh which recipients are chosen for an upcoming quarter: Catholic, local, diversity, time. What this means is that we prioritize Catholic organizations to non-Catholic and local as opposed to those outside the deanery, state, or country. We also seek diversity in the type of services we are supporting and to help these charities at the time of the year when they most need it.
Will the parish notify us of who receives the weekly tithe?
Recipient organizations and tithe amounts are listed in the bulletin so parishioners can see where their support is going throughout the year. The upcoming week’s tithe recipient will also be listed along with a brief description of the organization and its website if information about the charity is sought or if additional donations would like to be made directly by you. The Tithing Committee ensures that half of our 10% weekly tithe is used for parish outreach and that the other half goes to one of the Diocesan or Parish chosen causes.
How can I suggest a charity to receive our tithe?
Use this online form to nominate a charity. Note: all charities must be nonpolitical and align with the Catholic Church's morals.
How will the parish submit the tithe to the charity?
Each of the charities that receive a tithe will receive a letter explaining why we tithe and also ask them to tithe part of the donation to a charity they value, thus paying forward and increasing the scope of our donations.
Who should I contact for additional information?
Contact Sally Markus: [email protected].